i decided then that my first touring in US should be to Niagara falls, and as luck would have it. I actually got to visit this place after just 5 months in USA. It was quite a wait for the visit to Niagara, but it was a worthwhile trip. i had visited it with my UConn friends about 15 of them, we went on road in 4 cars, rented of course !! 2 Camry's, a mustang GT and a new Mazda SUV.

It was 24Th may, Saturday, when we started off to Niagara, it was quite a long trip on the way there coz we had lost track of the route, couple of times and had to catch up with the actual route later and it took up some of our time and we did reach there in 7 hours. the same day itself, we went to the falls to see its view in the night. i don't know how well to explain the looks of the falls, not getting the right words to put in, but it was so enormous and water was running so fast towards the cliff and falling off it. if any person thinks of committing suicide there, the sight of the falls itself is enough for him to change his mind. coz its so scary that u wouldn't even wanna try doing that in your dreams. well, coming back to topic, the night view of the falls is quite spooky, with the water so clear white n making so much noise, makes u feel so. the falls has a color flash lights focused on it from the opposite side I.E. from Canada. it looks as if the water changes color while falling down.

the night view of falls extended for a long time since we were engrossed in taking pictures and also walking to three view points to the falls. it was about 1 am at night when we drove back to our hotel. the next morning, as usual after all IST. we reached the falls again by 12 noon to go to the special ride to the falls maid of mist and cave of the winds. when we reached the place only we realised one odd thing, there were so many Indians there. it felt like Niagara is in India. so many Indians that we outnumbered the Americans there and they looked minority, and then as usual a long crowd ( this was really long as far as 1 mile !!!) we had some good people standing in line for the whole gang and all others went sight seeing. once when the time arrived, we got our blue rain coats and boarded a ferry...
MAID of the MIST...
a special subheading coz this ride was one of the awesome experiences there. this is a ferry ride, which takes u rite inside the horse shoe falls of Niagara, it actually takes u to middle of the U.. amazing view, it was all raining mist on us and completely drenching us even though we were in rain coats.

CAVE of the WINDS...
when i was thinking that the ferry was an amazing experience, another place said a BIG no no and here what it was.. the cave of the winds.. it was a place which would almost take you right under the American falls. thought of it, was hair raising and actually being there, totally awesome !!! i had the chance to get wet in Niagara falls, it was so so good. the water so fast and so cold, but still you don't want to come out of that place. i stayed there for almost half hour, it was freaking crazy and another breath taking.. naa.. breath stopping moment.. the fun was so unlimited that each member of my tour crew would definitely agree without any thought. the cave of winds proved to be even more and far better than the maid of mist but i would say both are wonderful in their own regards.

we didn't have much time after these 2 place that we couldn't visit few places, but i don't regret it coz if i get a chance to go again to Niagara, i would definitely count in.. it was such a memorable trip . not to mention.. the journey back to CT, was a good one too.. all night the members of my car had a very good time talking that we didn't sleep at all.. the whole way...
this TRIP so far hits the numero uno spot for best travel trips in my life. may be in future any other place might take this place, ill wait n see if that happens !!
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